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Dana Health Sciences Library


Dana Health Sciences Library

Dana Health Sciences Library

Dana professionals understand the unique research needs of students and professionals in the health sciences — from navigating gray literature to conducting systematic reviews, we're here to help. 

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Visit + contact

Dana Health Sciences Library 7:30am – 11pm
Dana After Hours Study 11pm – 7:30am

All hours

81 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05405
(802) 656-2200


computer screen with catquest


Search our library catalog for articles and more.

Study spaces

student working in study pod in Dana

Study spaces in Dana

You can reserve a study room for 1-6 people. We offer study pods for solo, quiet study. Explore what we have and make a reservation.

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Databases and journals

Research guides

student typing on laptop

Research guides

Librarians curate guides to courses, topics and more. Find your course guide for a specific semester or learn where to start your research within a specific subject area.

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Dana experts are here to support your learning and research. Learn about our offerings.

Chat with us

Use the green "Ask" button in the menu. When the panel pops out, click the Ask Dana button to chat with one of our experts.

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Find a health sciences librarian

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(802) 656-2200

UVM Libraries welcomes all UVM affiliates and Vermont residents to come to our libraries and use our materials. However, not everyone has the same level of access, which can be confusing at times. We’ll walk you through it.

UVM students, faculty, staff and faculty emeriti have full access to library resources including books, spaces, online databases, librarian consultations and more.

College of Medicine and College of Nursing and Health Sciences access

If you are connected to the Larner College of Medicine or the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, you can access the libraries’ resources with your UVM NetID. You will have the same access as other UVM students, faculty and staff.

UVM Medical Center (UVMMC) employee access

UVMMC employees who do not have a netid should look at our Connecting to Library Resources guide to find the best way to get full access to our library resources.

More about who can use Dana

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Constellate logo

Extended Access to Constellate

UVM's access to Constellate, the text-analysis platform from ITHAKA, has now been extended through June 2025.

Learn more

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Libraries seek your input on possible replacement for Web of Science

The Libraries are asking for your help in evaluating the relative merits of two competing products as we consider a potential replacement for our Web of Science subscription. If you currently use Web of Science in your research, please read more to get context for this request; consider testing Scopus (the potential replacement); and share your thoughts by July 1.

Read more and share your thoughts

A laptop open to a web browser that says "Scopus: Comprehensive, multidisciplinary, trusted abstract and citation database."